Instead of finally preparing a new positive list of drugs after seven years of ruling with the country, the fourth minister of health since SDS/DUI are in power recently announced that the Government completed the new commission to debate the issue, VMRO-DPMNE MP Igor Nikolov informed on Saturday.

he also reminded the authorities that the EU has a directive (89/105) concerning transparency in the measures affecting the prices of drugs.

“Therefrom, we need answers to the following questions: Does the Government acknowledges the EU directive for standard and clear procedures in forming the new prices of drugs? Did the Ministry of Health form a commission to set the prices? Based on what analyses will they make decisions? Why do all members of the commission come from one field of medicine, despite the law stipulating that the commission must be heterogeneous? Will they include the patients’ associations in this process? Why did they wait seven years to form the commission?”, Nikolov asked.