Inspectors from the state sanitary inspectorate were investigating the Children’s Clinic in Skopje today, after a 14 month baby died there last week.

The baby had a severe infection and the parents demanded that it is treated sooner, but allegedly they did not receive the required care. The father and family members angrily demanded accountability at the clinic, and even damaged some of the equipment there after they were given the devastating new.

Healthcare Minister Arben Taravari said that both this Clinic and the Kozle respiratory clinic will be inspected to get to the bottom of the allegations. He confirmed that the family were turned back at one points when they sought treatment, and a later attempt to intubate the child failed because it was too late.

The opposition DUI party is trying to raise up the issue in its political dispute with Taravari’s VLEN party, alleging that he is trying to shield the Children’s Clinic director who he recently appointed from accountability.