VMR-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, is visiting Thursday Vevcani, where he will follow the world-famous Vevcani Carnival.

We will use this visit to talk to the citizens about the current situation, how they live, what life is like, what problems they face. I will also have the opportunity to talk to the people from the local self-government, to the mayor who is new from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE.

And I believe that these visits, in addition to having a fun character, should also have a working part, because what we as a people’s party are interested in is what the people think, how the people live, where we can help and which are the projects that the people expect from us not only as a local self-government but also as a future central government.

So I expect a cheerful spirit to prevail today and to wish the people of Vevcani a successful carnival and successful carnival days, of course, said Mickoski.