VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski appealed to the members of Parliament from SDSM who are opposed to the policies of the Government to step forward and help put an end to their party’s failed policies. Mickoski’s comment comes as hectic negotiations are going on in the Parliament to try to preserve the slim SDSM – DUI ruling majority as factions appear in both parties.

I call on the SDSM members of Parliament who were giving signs in the coming period that they see things differently than their leadership. I’m aware that you face numerous threats from its semi-criminal structures. Stay strong and stand up to the few leadership members who are devastating the future of Macedonia. Their interest is a weak and plundered Macedonia. Stand with us, lend us your hand, and let’s not allow the criminals in the SDSM leadership push us in the Hell they are preparing for Macedonia, Mickoski said.

The media allegations were focused on members of Parliament loyal to former SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, who was allegedly looking into the option to bring down the Kovacevski Government and try to take back the party. This faction has been largely silent, but the faction in DUI pushed Kovacevski to try to bring the Alliance of Albanians party to the coalition, but it quickly cost him the loyalty of the smaller Albanian Alternative party and of the DS party, meaning that the ruling majority will likely remain as slim as it is now.