VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski met with the ambassadors of Austria, Czechia and Slovakia, Georg Wurtsas, Jaroslav Ludwa and Henrik Markus. This was in preparation of the coming visit by the foreign ministers of these three countries, who are expected on Thursday, as various foreign diplomats are trying to push Macedonia to accept the Bulgarian demands and amend its Constitution.

During the meeting, Mickoski focused on the numerous criminal affairs of the DUI – SDSM coalition, about which Ambassador Wurtsas was also very outspoken.

The criminal scandals enrich the Government officials over the backs of the citizens who are mired in poverty, Mickoski said.

He accused the Government of controlling the judiciary and preventing justice. Mickoski emphasized that the only way out of the situation is for early general elections to take place. He also expressed gratiude to the three countries about their constant support and friendly attitude toward Macedonia.