Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said that an attempt to bribe him has been made, in connection with the Corridor 8 project. Mickoski did not reveal additional details about the attempt.

This comes weeks after the Government announced that it is forced to cancel the railway link to Bulgaria project, estimated to cost well over half a billion EUR, and partially supported by the European Union. Mickoski and Deputy Prime Minister and Transportation Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski said that the project has serious flaws, mainly because there is no corresponding project from Bulgaria. As it stands, the railway will now end in a dead-end tunnel dug from the Macedonian side, deep under a mountain.

While I’m Prime Minister I will never sign off on a project that spends half a billion EUR of my fellow citizens and ends in a dead-end street. Since I was the target of a bribery attempt I say I will not support this under any circumstances, Mickoski said.