VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, together with the vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski, met Tuesday with the member of the German Bundestag, Felix Schreiner from CDU, which is a sister party of VMRO-DPMNE within the EPP. Felix Schreiner is also the chairman of the Committee on Economy and Sustainable Development of the German Bundestag.

At the meeting they discussed the economic and energy crisis in Macedonia. The VMRO-DPMNE leader pointed out that the government, through the occupied institutions, betrayed the economy, business and directly the citizens of Macedonia.

Instead of a plan, support and strategy to help the economy and business, the government offered a new energy crisis. Unfortunately, the government does not make any efforts to find solutions to help the citizens and the business sector to overcome the current crises in the country, explained Mickoski at the meeting.

Mickoski also pointed out during the meeting that Macedonia is moving in a bad direction with this government. Macedonia will start moving in the right direction only with early parliamentary elections, which should take place as soon as possible, he said.