Merging of the two concession for the Ilovitsa mine is but another inside business deal of the Government, between DUI that are now part of this project, and SDS, as a junior partner that executes the DUI orders, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Saturday.

“This is a clear business deal between the coalition partners. On side is DUI, which already owns shares in llovitsa mine, ont h other side is their junior partner in the Government, the lackeys from SDSM, who are kneeling under the DUI’s orders. Dui orders, SDS executes, and that is how this Government works and as long as it does, the dissatisfaction of the people will grow, and the country will degrade”, Mickoski said.

He added that it is a heavy hypocrisy for the Minister of the Environment, Kaya Shukova, to support the protests of the local population after signing the agreement.