The Union of Veterans of VMRO-DPMNE is newly formed, but it contains the maturity, knowledge and tradition that should guide VMRO-DPMNE through all storms and trials, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski at the First Annual Conference of the Union of Veterans of VMRO-DPMNE, which took place this afternoon in the Demir Hisar village of Smilevo.

At the gathering entitled “Keeping the tradition, we create the future”, Mickoski emphasized that it is wise to listen to the wise people who endured the strongest blows of communism and who were witnesses, contemporaries, but also pioneers of an independent and sovereign state.

It is wisdom to have these people close to you and to use their life and political experience. I will always be inspired by their undiminished energy and desire to fight for our common mother Macedonia. I would say paternal, sincere and ardent love for the holy letters VMRO, Mickoski pointed out.

In front of VMRO-DPMNE members and guests at the party gathering in Smilevo, party leader Mickoski said that it was time to fight against injustices.

We are facing such a temptation today when the people have to decide in a referendum whether they are for or against the Agreement with Bulgaria, for the cancellation or approval of national assimilation, Mickoski emphasized and asked for maximum mobilization of the membership for the success of the announced referendum initiated by VMRO-DPMNE.

At the gathering in Smilevo, Mickoski, called for three elections to be held, that is, a referendum, early parliamentary and early presidential elections.