We showed to the country that we can work, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during a meeting with mayors elected through the party in the southern region, around Gevgelija, Radovis, Konce…

We will continue to report to the citizens about our work, in the cities and the municipalities that were won by VMRO-DPMNE. After 100 days in office, we did a lot, and SDSM and DUI unfortunately can’t say what they have accomplished. That is why our officials are facing such attacks. Our work at the local level shows why we deserve to replace SDSM and DUI at the central leve, Mickoski said.

He pointed to the fact that work began to build or rebuild 33 kindergartens and 68 schools, 206 streets and roads, 111 water and sewage systems, 96 parks and to clean up over 200 illegal dump sites.