Politicians generally agree that the Ohrid Framework Agreement brought lasting peace to Macedonia, which has remained stable for 23 years despite attempts at destabilization. However, concerns about potential future destabilization have been raised, especially following the opposition European Front, led by DUI, not joining Mickoski’s government.

During the parallel celebration of the 23rd anniversary of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, DUI leader Ali Ahmeti’s speech garnered the most applause from members and supporters of the opposition European Front. Ahmeti urged the Macedonian authorities not to divide Albanians into “good” and “bad,” warning that without strong relations with Albanians, the Macedonian nation itself could be at risk.

Let all those who think that we Albanians can be divided into good Albanians and bad Albanians listen. We from the Front are the bad Albanians who demand justice. We will not be argots of anyone. No matter if someone thinks he is the aga in this country and has the servants behind him. This country will move forward with good inter-ethnic relations above all between the two major communities such as Macedonians and Albanians. Macedonians as a nation can progress only in communication and harmony and good relations with the Albanians, otherwise they will swallow the Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks. I am not saying this only to you, but also to all other Macedonian political representatives. Coexistence, cooperation can preserve history, identity, they can preserve their national identity, otherwise they are destined to not exist at all, said Ahmeti at the Legitimacy Academy, held on the occasion of the anniversary of the Framework Agreement at the Alexander Palace Hotel.

At an official government session, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski highlighted the benefits of the Framework Agreement, emphasizing that Macedonia is a shared homeland for all its citizens. He noted that true patriotism involves building a life together under the same roof, with both rights and responsibilities, and striving for a better future under the same sky. The Prime Minister also addressed the issue of ethnic divisions, stressing the need for common solutions to shared problems.

For a very long time, certain political elites have been using the Framework Agreement, and ethnic rights in general as such, as a cover to cover up their personal and mostly lucrative interests, but also the fact that ethnic themes have been abused for too long and too intensively, careers are being built in that name, while the real life, the life of those who equally share everyday life like all other citizens is increasingly difficult and increasingly unhappy. For certain political parties, the Framework Agreement is the best and is implemented only under the condition that they are in power, immediately after they are in opposition, they come up with criticisms and creative solutions to supplement it, but also a different interpretation of the rights and obligations arising from it. At the same time, forgetting how expensive the price of that agreement is and that that agreement was written, among other things, with a lot of suffering and sacrifices from all sides, and to a certain extent it is disrespectful to those victims, I will repeat from all sides, Mickoski said.

Ahmeti issued a warning at the Academy to the Albanian Vredi coalition, which entered Mickoski’s government despite garnering fewer votes and parliamentary seats than the European Front coalition, that they had made a grave error and had violated the legitimacy of their people. Nevertheless, they would not give up on the defence of legitimacy and would continue to confer with both local and international experts.

– Let this moment serve for mobilization because we are winners, because we are with justice and we have never worked behind the backs of the people and we have not wronged anyone. Without any hesitation, we will continue to work because this period is temporary, the future belongs to you who for 23 years have really been the guardians of the Framework Agreement, achieved with the blood not only of the fighters but also with the blood of the previous generations who have been killed since the time of Nejat Agoli reached the youngest generations and the political prisoners who suffered through the prisons of Yugoslavia so that they could exist and live with dignity. We are masters of pride, national pride and statehood of our Republic because we do not see another future in any other place and because we do not come from some other distant country. But generationally, from great-grandfather, together with the sun in these spaces, we will share the destiny of this country together with the Macedonian community and together we will be stronger, said Ahmeti.

Other speakers at the European Front-organized Academy stressed the need of decentralisation as a Framework Agreement component that needs to be worked on in the near future. The government sent out a similar signal as one of their top priorities.

This new government is not only in words but also in deeds, that’s why I want to thank our prime minister for this new government that will give a billion euros to all municipalities for decentralization, where it is part of the Ohrid framework agreement and which will solves many essential problems in our settlements and in our municipalities, in the function of a better life for all citizens in the Republic of North Macedonia, stressed the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment Izet Mejiti at the official session in the Government

Furthermore, according to Prime Minister Mickoski, the Ohrid Framework Agreement is incorporated into Macedonian law and the Constitution, and as a government, they will keep resolving the actual issues facing the people.

The public should not fall into the trap of new and new endless ethnic demands of the parties that are now in opposition. They had their chance and spent the time on personal enrichment, and instead of being dedicated to the struggle to win for a better life for the citizens, stronger education, economy, more money for the citizens, they decided to build for themselves mansions, haciendas, to buy shopping centers, to abuse everything that can be abused, said Mickoski