“We have political structures and forces in the country that will abuse and manipulate a certain group of people to cause an ethnic incident so that they can protect the wealth they have been stealing from citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, for the past seven years. This is the only way to magnetize an audience for the announced destabilization or the organization of protests they are planning this fall,” Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski pointed out today.

“As citizens, we must not allow this. As the Government and as the President of the Government, I appeal to the citizens not to fall for these millionaire conspiracies. Look at the building not far from here—while they rent there and make millions abusing the citizens, they also sleep and spend their summers in worldly resorts and ski in international ski resorts. Not far from this building, they agree on their plans, buy shopping centers with your stolen money. Let’s not allow these criminals to destabilize Macedonia, because Macedonia is our common homeland, and we will continue to act as a government in the future,” Mickoski said in response to a question during today’s celebration of the 114th anniversary of the birth of the Skopje woman Gonxha Bojadziu—Mother Teresa.

He emphasized that Gonxha Bojadziu is a person who is universal and timeless with her behavior.

“We, Skopje citizens, who were born in this city, should be proud of what was left behind—that we have such a fellow citizen. Here, there is absolutely no ethnic, religious, or any other kind of affiliation. As the President of the Government, I have the duty, but also the honor, to bow before the work of such a character, such a person who is timeless and who left behind a great legacy not only for her native Skopje but also for the country of Macedonia and anywhere in the world, although she ended her life in India, in a place she created herself, in the city of Calcutta,” Mickoski said.

Asked if he received information from the Minister of Internal Affairs about why Shkendija fans were removed from the football match in Strumica, he said that the Football Federation of Macedonia should answer for that.