It is good that this meting took place, the VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said immediately after meeting with the PM and Chairman of SDSM, Dimitar kovacevski. He explained that until this meeting there was no communication between the two leaders.

Mickoski reiterated that his own and his party’s position hasn’t changed during the last year.

“44 MPs of our coalition are  holding to their position that constitutional amendments under Bulgarian diktat and in these circumstances will not occur. It was clearly stated at today’s meeting. The negotiating framework with these conditions is unacceptable not only to  us, but to the vast majority of the people”, Mickoski said.

Mickoski continued that at the meeting Kovacevski’s proposals were discussed . He proposed too start thee debate on constitutional amendments in the Parliament and adopt the need for amendments by a 2/3 majority, and to form a new Government where SDSM will concede some of the ten ministerial positions it holds. The constitutional amendments would be adopted after that, the negotiations with the EU would start – although they claimed that they have already started last year – and that Government would organize general elections.

“I responded to this offer positively, saying that I understand the proposal, but that VMRO-DPMNE is only prepared to join such Government with SDSM and all other political parties if DUI is not part of that Government. Second, VMRO-DPMNE demands that a technical government should organize the elections, while the possible constitutional amendments should come to force on the day when the parliaments of the EU member countries start the ratification process on the accession agreements”, Mickoski concluded.