It sounds as a genuine political scandal when a Government minister publicly admits that the authorities are polling the public on the constitutional amendments prepared by the Ministry of Justice’s expert workgroup, which are not official, they were not approved at a Government session, and neither the Parliament, nor the public have seen an official copy –  Republika  daily wrote on Friday.

Talking about the poll – for which he, of course, didn’t offer any details, as to who conducted it, when, on what representative group, what ethnic background the respondents had, etc. – MoFA Bujar Osmani claimed that it revealed enormous support for the amendments among the citizens, who were “surprised when presented the text of the amendments”.

What is obvious is that Osmani is trying to put on “thin ice” all ethnic Macedonians, who overwhelmingly – 85% of them – stand against the constitutional amendments under Bulgarian diktat.

In fact, Osmani publicly admitted that the authorities abused the results of the workgroup’s efforts.

Osmani’s conviction that some opposition MPs will vote for the amendments has no ral foundation, at  least for now, and is mere attempt  to manipulate the public, the daily concludes.