Where do we source our legitimacy to amend the Constitution, from the EU or from the citizens? What do the citizens say? – VMRO-DPMNE MP Gordana Siljanovska Davkova asked at Friday’s parliamentary session, also expressing her position that the citizens must be directly asked about such an important issue.

“Shouldn’t we ask the citizens do they support these amendments? The Government does not have the competency to undertake obligations on behalf of the Parliament. Especially regarding the fact that the Parliament didn’t vote on the negotiation framework, only on its conclusions”, law professor Siljanovska Davkova said

The word ‘isolation’ should not be misused, Davkova continued, and the EU must not forget Brexit.

“We are not against EU, we are not against Bulgaria, but Article 8 of the Lisbon Agreement calls for reciprocity. Bulgaria is a signatory country of the Convention on Minorities. Bulgaria has a Council of Minorities, which doesn’t include the Macedonians living in Bulgaria”, she stressed.

Professor Siljanovska Davkova also said that the explication for the need for constitutional amendments is ä catastrophe” and borderline illiterate.

“We can’t turn the Preamble into a phonebook. It is very important to apply the Copenhagen Criteria”, she said, asking her colleagues not to support the amendments but instead to ask the citizens in elections.