Financial Police Director Arafat Muaremi calls on the chief prosecutor for organized crime Vilma Ruskovska, if she has information about a committed crime, to prove it and to file an indictment against him, and not to provide unfounded knowledge and information, discrediting her duties she performs.


If the last polls are taken into account, the trust of the public is not very favorable to prosecutors in the country, Muaremi said after Ruskovska called on the public, foreign embassies, and the European prosecutor Laura Kövesi to react to, as he called it, the threatening pressure from Muaremi.

I call on Ruskoska, if it has knowledge and information about a crime committed by me, to prove it and to file an indictment against me, and not to provide unfounded knowledge and information, discrediting her duties she performs. Failure to prosecute organized crime due to pressure is a crime. And it is pointless for me to comment on your honor and reputation, let your call to the embassies for “help” confirm what the public prosecutor established with the supervision of your illegal operation and unethical behavior. There must be responsibility for your arbitrariness, Muaremi said.