Timco Mucunski, Mayor of Aerodrom and Vice President of the VMRO-DPMNE party, said the local authorities, led by VMRO, are forced to resolve problems that even the central Government is unable to solve. Mucunski spoke during the conference to mark the 33rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

There is no Mayor who does not promote at least one, and often two or more new projects every week. Just look at the mayors from other parties and you will see that they do nothing. In one example, pupils still haven’t received their textbooks – those who did got them in the last 10 days of the school year – but we in Aerodrom are providing free tablets and digital education, Mucunski said. He pointed out his work on a large new park, a new kindergarten with capacity of 200, and the Smart Aerodrom project that will transform Skopje’s most urban district.

According to Mucunski, VMRO-DPMNE’s victory in the local elections in 2021 will lead to victory in the coming general elections.