Three myths about Ali Ahmeti collapsed in just a few weeks – that he is an honest politician, that he is a permanent fixture in the Government, and that he protects his people, said Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski in a Kanal 5 TV interview. Ahmeti’s DUI party is badly shaken after its top official and Ahmeti’s apparent heir Artan Grubi was put on a US black list.

DUI was not interested in anything other than stealing. They thought they will be forgiven for their stealing because they are a factor of stability, and they keep Maceodnia stable. This is the story they sold to the domestic and foreign public. But after the 2024 elections, that story is over, Nikoloski said.

Regarding DUI’s attempt to cause ethnic tensions by exploiting the challenge about the law on the use of the Albanian language before hte Constitutional Court, Nikoloski said that it is a transparent ploy, given that the judges in the court were all elected by SDSM and DUI. “On one hand they are creating a problem, and then they are saying that they are resolving the problem, and pretend to be saviours of the Albanians”, Nikoloski added.