Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced an end to political infighting on topics that are divisive to the Macedonian public. While speaking in Krusevo, on the honoring of the 1903 Ilinden Uprising,

– Let’s talk about money, let’s talk about the economy, about the solving of the problems of our citizens, whether here in Krusevo or in Gostivar, Debar, Strumica and Prilep. I offer a hand for jount solving of problems, for constructive dialogue and for suggestions how to achieve better life, Mickoski said.

The Prime Minister added that he will lead the country based on the values of the Krusevo Manifesto, to ensure inter-ethnic harmony. This is in response to the latest demands from the Albanian parties, from the opposition but also from the coalition, that advance Albanian national interests.

– We face demands that are based on lucrative goals, that will lead to keeping of privileges by those who held power, who want to grab more money, buildings, properties, on the back of the people. Those who make demands from us should know that we also have many demands we can make, but it won’t solve our problems. We need to improve the lives of our citizens. Both the Macedonians and the Albanians, Vlachs,

Turks, Roma, Serbs, Bosniaks.. are tired of the abuses of the political elites, Mickoski said.

The Prime Minister, who has barely been in power for one month, also addressed the SDSM party’s criticism of the handling of the serious forest fires that are afflicting Macedonia.

– It would have been much easier if one Government could build upon the work of the previous one. But what we inherited was a neglected country and institutions that were plundered all over. Now we have glee from the opposition because of the fires and irresponsible attempts to conduct politics on the back of this misfortune. They are hypocritically giving us lessons after they left the country without tools to put out fires, Mickoski said.