During his today’s visit to Sofia, Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani stood silently while the acting Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Milkov launched into a tirade about Macedonia. Milkov spoke after he and Osmani, visited Hristijan Pendikov, Bulgarian activist from Ohrid who was badly beaten up several days ago. The attack on Pendikov is being investigated as a hate crime. He was airlifted by the Bulgarian Government to Sofia, for treatment.

We say NO to the dark traditions historically tied to Macedonia – of arson, shooting, violence over people. Such matters have no place in Europe. Bulgaria will not stop protecting the rights of our community, who are people with dignity. There are still escalations – Hristijan is now receiving threats over the internet. Hristijan Pendikov was attacked because of his ideals. We need to put an end to the atmosphere of impunity which breeds more and more violence, Milkov said, hinting that the attack could lead to further blockadesa of Macedonia’s EU accession talks by Bulgaria.

Milkov demanded tough sentencing for the attackers. Meanwhile, it’s being reported that one of them was possibly also a dual Macedonian – Bulgarian citizen. Pendikov was secretary of the recently opened Tsar Boris III club in Ohrid. The club was met with protests by the opposition VMRO-DPMNE and Levica parties and was several vandalism attacks, provoked by its name – Bulgarian Tsar Boris III aligned the country with the Axis, used this alliance to take Macedonia from Serbia in 1941 and reigned over the Holocaust in Macedonia while Bulgarian forces fought Macedonian partisans.

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani stated his regret for the attack on the Bulgarian activist, who was badly beaten in Ohrid. Osmani visited Pendikov in hospital in Sofia, where he is being treated, but also warned that Macedonia will close its borders for Bulgarian politicians who deny the existence of the Macedonian nation – pointing to nationalist leader Angel Dzhambazhki.

With Bulgarian Minister Milkov I had the opportunity to visit Pendikov and speak to him and his family. I regret this incident. This type of violence does not reflect the values of the citizens of Macedonia and we will make sure there is zero tolerance for violence, Osmani said.

He then discussed the recent gathering in Skopje, led by Dzhambazhki, on the anniversary of the 1928 assassination of a Serbian colonel by Mara Buneva, a hero claimed by both Bulgaria and many Macedonians. During this gathering, speaking to hundreds of nationalist supporters who mainly arrived from Bulgaria, Dzhambazhki said that Macedonia is Bulgarian land and denied the existence of a separate Macedonian identity.

We will not allow the negation of the Bulgarian community just as we will not allow the negation of the Macedonian people. Such provocations must stop. We will have to address every gathering to Macedonia whose goal is to deny the Macedonian people and this will be the last such gathering, Osmani said.

Dzhambazhki and fellow nationalist leader Kostadin Kostadinov were not stopped at the border, even though Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski hinted he may do so after a previous provocative event.