Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi announced that he would not call a new committee session regarding the Defenders Law, explaining that only Ilire Dauti, chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy, has the authority to do so. Gashi emphasized that he is not violating the Rules of Procedure.

In an interview with Kanal 5 TV, Gashi stated that to address various ambiguities exploited by MPs, he will seek a review of all related matters, including the Defenders Law, by the Parliamentary Committee on Rules of Procedure. He noted that Dauti, from the “European Front” coalition, has not placed the Defenders Law on the committee’s agenda.

Gashi pointed to Article 120 of the Rules of Procedure, clarifying that it distinguishes between refusing to convene a session and failing to do so. Since Dauti has already convened a session within the required timeframe, Gashi explained that he is not empowered to intervene or assign another MP to chair the session. He further mentioned that several unclear issues, including the Defenders Law and Talat Xhaferi’s dual office-holding, would soon be addressed through the Committee on Rules of Procedure, which will propose amendments to the parliamentary procedures.

On Monday, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski reaffirmed his support for the defenders, stating that it is Dauti’s responsibility to present the Defenders Law for consideration. He also clarified that he has not discussed this matter with the ruling coalition, “Worth It.”

“No, we have not addressed this topic,” Mickoski said. “Our stance has been clear, and my support for the defenders remains unchanged.”

Meanwhile, Arben Taravari, a member of the Worth It coalition and the current Health Minister, expressed that now is not the right time to focus on the Defenders Law.

“There’s no need for drama regarding this law. It has been proposed six times before, in 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2013, and 2015,” Taravari commented. He further added that he does not believe the matter is currently relevant and that it will not be addressed soon, emphasizing that past support for the law from various parties makes the current debate unnecessary.

The new Defenders Law, proposed by SDSM MP and former defense minister Slavjanka Petrovska, gained support for fast-track adoption during the 14th session of Parliament.
Photo by MIA