A poll conducted by IPIS finds that VMRO-DPMNE dominates the political scene, having the support of 27.2 percent of the voters, followed by SDSM with 9.6 percent.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski is the most popular politician in the country, with 27.8 percent of the citizens declaring for him, while SDSM leader Venko Filipce is placed third, with 5.5 percent. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti is ahead of Filipce with 8.6 percent.

DUI is also not far behind SDSM – Ahmeti’s party has the support of 8.5 percent of the voters. Their chief rival, the ruling Albanian VLEN coalition has the support of 7.8 percent, followed by Levica with 4.8 percent and Maksim Dimitrievski’s ZNAM party with 4 percent.

Over half of those polled – 55 percent – said that they have positive impressions from the work of the Government so far. The share of those with negative opinions after the first 100 days of the Government is 31 percent.