It is not about our will to amend the Constitution or not. We weren’t elected by the international community but by the people of Macedonia. And we didn’t promise them in our election campaign that we will amend the Constitution. But, this government doesn’t believe in the theory of mandate. Furthermore, it is against the principles to amend the Constitution or the Criminal Law six months before the next elections. Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, VMRo-DPMNE MP and law professor told Alfa TV on Tuesday.

The law professor also pointed to the fact that at each meeting with the representatives of the international community, they call upon the basics of the law and the international treaties in that regard.

“But no one asks the same from Bulgaria, despite the existence of final judgments by the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which can be immediately applied. The idea of EU is an idea of unity of differences, an idea of rule of the law”, Siljanovska said.