Masked provocateurs broke into the people’s protest in front of the Parliament building. They came from the women’s park, after which they demolished the police fence. Smoke bombs and firecrackers are heard outside the building, and the peaceful crowd retreats.

Провокациите не наидоа на поддршка од граѓаните, кои продолжуваат мирно да протестираат, да скандираат, да пеат „Едно име имаме“ и да бараат оставка.

The provocations were not supported by the citizens, who continue to peacefully protest, chant, sing “We have one name” and demand resignation.

Thugs, shame, and what now, what have you done?, the citizens comment.

The group that crossed the fence started throwing pieces of cobblestone at the building, after which they also broke windows of the Parliament.