Thursday marks the final day of school year 2020/2021 in all primary and secondary schools. According to the amended Calendar for organizing the work of the schools (primary and secondary), the beginning of the school year was postponed for October 1, and the number of school days was reduced from 180 to 159.

The school year started a month later due to the need for the implementation of anti-covid protocols for various ways of teaching to be legally adopted in the Parliament, which, in turn, was to be constituted after the parliamentary elections last July.

In both semesters, the educational process was organized according to a combined model – the majority of students attended distance learning, mainly through the Microsoft Teams platform, and the in-person classes were attended by the students up to third grade and some senior students in smaller schools – regional and rural. Students without IT devices had the opportunity to follow classes via the Macedonian Radio and Television and received printed materials.

The Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Commission for Infectious Diseases and the Ministry of Health, will determine how the 2021/2022 school year will be organized, which will depend on the coronavirus situation in the country.