TV Alsat has unofficially learned that SDSM President Zoran Zaev held phone talks with political leaders and government partners on Monday.

According to the TV, 5 July will be the ruling party’s latest proposal as election date. With this, SDSM and the coalition partners aim to provide 35 days for the preparation of the election process and to meet the request of VMRO-DPMNE, which is against holding elections in June.

Regarding the legal dilemmas over how the new date will be set, it is learned that the Parliament Speaker will change the decision for elections on 12 April with the agreed date, by changing and amending the administrative document.

The state of emergency that ends on 30 May will not be extended. The government will return to the technical format, but it is important that the election date be set before 30 May, in order election deadlines to start as of 31 May.

This will be the last proposal to the opposition. If VMRO-DPMNE does not accept 5 July as the date for the elections, then the political parties will take a unified position on the elections without the Macedonian opposition.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti also speculated that the elections could take place in July. His statement that Macedonia is holding elections in July came days after Kurti’s telephone conversation with interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski.