The Alliance of Albanians, the largest Albanian opposition party in Macedonia, accused its chief rival DUI of rigging the appointment of judges and prosecutors, based on the wiretaps released by an Albanian whistleblower in the United States.

With these new “bombs” we can see how deeply DUI penetrated the appointment of judges and prosecutors and that the judicial system is hostage to Ali Ahmeti and his DUI party. Bearing in mind the installment of officials in the judiciary which DUI perpetrated, we ask for responsibility from the former and current ministers and DUI officials, Sela said.

Sela said that the latest corruption scandal in the Public Administration Ministry, which involves a top DUI official, is further proof that the ruling Albanian party is steeped in crime.

– During this entire process to bring justice and accountability, not a single former DUI official was investigated. Zaev makes it appear that Ahmeti is pure and incorruptible and we all know that’s not the case. I hope that it will end with third or fourth echelon people being held responsible, but that Government members themselves will be investigated, Sela said.