After today, the private carriers received 80 percent of the debt, or 40 million denars, for package 1, they were able to negotiate an arrangement with JSP and will resume driving. A private carrier named Oliver Petrushevski claims that some of the coworkers are already on the lines via the City of Skopje

The two packages, package 1 and package 3, which drove only one trip in the morning, now the colleagues are activated from the garages to start driving and serving the citizens of the City of Skopje, said Petrushevski.

Additionally, Petrushevski said that there had already been some debates regarding the cost of a kilometre and demanded that the topic be brought up at the upcoming Skopje City Council meeting.

We expect that it will be put on the agenda at the first session of the City of Skopje. The councilors of the City of Skopje will have to decide whether they will accept our requests for the kilometer to be profitable and to be able to renew the vehicle fleet in the future and to pay the drivers a better salary so that they do not run away from us, Petrushevski pointed out.

Asked if the protest was a result of political turmoil in the city government, Petrushevski said that they are not political in any way and that they are just looking for their money.

For two months so far, we have been driving the first and third shifts alternately, but now we have come to a situation where all colleagues unanimously agree that there are no funds to continue driving. There was nothing to do and we had to stop, said Petrushevski

A few private buses had earlier threatened to operate only one shift starting at five o’clock today, which would mean that one bus would operate only one tour on one line, on vehicles with the numbers 45, 23, 63, 73, 61, 63, 22, 52, 54, 19 and 20.