SDSM leadership candiate Slavjanka Petrovska joined in the criticism of former leader Zoran zaev, who is clearly promoting former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce to be the next leader of the troubled party.

Support of any of the former leaders for any of the current candidates will only make the process more difficult. It can divide party and make it harder to elect a legitimate party President. I respect all former SDSM party leaders – they have all left their marm on the party – but I only need  the support of the party members, said Petrovska.

She and Jovan Despotovski are seen as falling behind Filipce in the race that will be settled by a vote open to all registere party members on June 30th.

A visibly aggitated Despotovski warned the party recently that it must try something new and break with the practice of the past 7 to 10 years, adding that the party officials are rejected everywhere in the country. “They don’t want to see your faces in Strumica, I Kriva Palanka, anywhere”, said Despotovski.

Given the enormous electoral defeat and drop in enthusiasm, its expected that Filipce will easily win the race with the help of Zaev’s party machine in Strumica.