Stevo Pendarovski is a symbol of confusion and change of attitudes. At one time, Pendarovski assured that the Copenhagen criteria, not bilateral issues and history, would be the conditions for entry into the European Union.
But instead, he and SDS accepted humiliating positions for Macedonia in which historical interpretations of Bulgaria will be crucial in determining Macedonian European integration, VMRO-DPMNE accused.

Namely, as Pendarovski himself commented, if the members of the mixed historical commission with Bulgaria do not agree on a specific person or event from Macedonian history, then a veto and a new blockade will follow. This statement was made in July 2022. If Pendarovski is aware of this, then the question arises why Macedonia accepts to enter into endless negotiations in which it will be blackmailed by the historical Commission with Bulgaria?

Pendarovski and SDS continuously accept cowardly eggs in Macedonian European integration. It is not permissible. The people rightly say that we don’t have a state, we don’t have a president and we don’t have institutions that will protect national interests. Pendarovski lost his integrity and credibility. He trampled the dignity of the people and of Macedonia. That’s why it’s time for changes!