Nothing depends on Zoran Zaev anymore. Everything that Zoran Zaev said did not come true. His word is worth nothing, just ashes of promises. The concrete cracked, a convincing defeat follows, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski commented on Zoran Zaev’s decision to accept election on 15 July.

Below this you can see a video with several statements and claims of Zoran Zaev. Elections December, March, April 12 and no concessions. Mid- June, June 14, June 21, in July will be warm. July 5 is election day ….July 8, Wednesday final offer…

Ништо повеќе не зависи од Зоран Заев. Се што кажа Zoran Zaev не се исполни. Не му тежи зборот; и се посипа со пепел. Распука бетонот, следува убедлив пораз.

Gepostet von Naum Stoilkovski am Montag, 15. Juni 2020