At Wednesday’s parliamentary plenary session, the SDS and DUI MPs proposed amendments to the Law on Added Value, which would cause a rise in the prices by 5% or 13% of over 4,000 products immediately upon its coming into force, VMRO-DPMNE MP, Bojan Stojanovski, said at the press conference following the session.

“This so-called tax reform will cause inflation to explode even more. Even today, when the majority voted for those amendments, they didn’t provide the exact list of products that will become more expensive”, Stojanovski said.

According to him, this behavior is irresponsible and shameful.

“For almost a year the VMRo-DPMNE MPs and the coalition offered and proposed measures and amendments that would have frozen the prices of the basic products, as well as reduced VAT percentage on the electricity and the firewood. However, the SDS/DUI government rejected our proposals without even considering them. We demand transparency and accountability toward the citizens because they are the victims of the destructive and catastrophic policy of the government led by DUI and SDS”, Stojanovski concluded.