The Sistina hospital in Skopje is going to court to claim 10.000 EUR from Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13, who is the initial chief suspect in the major racketeering scandal that has engulfed the Zoran Zaev Government. Boki 13 had a gastric bypass surgery in the hospital which is partially owned by businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev, who was the main target of his racketeering scheme.

A court hearing in the Sistina case against Boki 13 was held today but the lawyer of the detained showman and suspected racketeer did not appear. It is likely the surgery for the once obese Boki 13 was part of the extortion package, in which he was promising Kamcev that he will get Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva to drop her money laundering charges against him in exchange for millions of euros.

Boki 13 has frequently complained that the surgery, and a follow up procedure, were performed badly, and has demanded to be released into house arrest on the count of his medical issues.