As much as 8.5 million euros should be paid by the Ministry of Health due to the termination of the contract for the construction of the “Mother Teresa” clinical center. Todorov signed it, Filipce terminated it, and now Bekim Sali will pay the penalties to the Italian company, Sitel has learned. According to Sitel’s information, the Ministry of Health has already received two letters from the company and the legal team is looking for ways to reduce the millions but also not to pay arrears of interest, which will drastically increase the amount.

The Ministry of Health neither denies nor confirms the information that they will have to spend a lot of money to terminate the contract.

For comparison, 8.5 million euros, which will be taken from the budget for nothing, is an amount equal to the cost of the new children’s hospital in Kozle, or the purchase of 4 new linear accelerators for oncology patients.

In 2017, when Nikola Todorov as technical minister signed the contract with the Italian company, he said that the new building will be built in 5 years and will cost 72 million euros. Now there would be a finished project behind this place, but instead the authorities will pay penalties and there are no serious announcements about the new clinical complex where it will be and when it will be built.

The previous Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, never once confirmed that the company with which the contract was terminated would demand the payment of penalties. Arbitration court is one of the options of the current first person in the health system to not give so much money in times of economic crisis.