After more than two years of blockades, the Parliament will begin the debate on the draft-amendments to the Electoral Law on Wednesday, which proposes Macedonia to be one electoral unit – instead of the current six – while the proportional model would remain, with no election threshold,, and a solution for an independent representation of the smaller ethnic communities.

The amendments offer equal chances for a political competition of the parties and the independent MP candidates, provides for equal worth of each vote, and also offers a good foundation for democratization of the electoral rules and country in general”, Pavle Trajanov, the leader of one of the small parties Democratic Union said.

He added that the constitution of such a Parliament will present more precisely the will of the people, and more parties and individuals will affect the crucial decisions.

“I appeal to all proposers and MPs to get involved into the discussion and bring a decision by a serious and argumented  discussion”, Trajanov  concluded.