I strongly condemn the act of vandalism of stoning the Macedonian cultural club “Nikola Vapcarov” in Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria, said President Stevo Pendarodvski in reaction to the latest developments in Macedonian-Bulgarian relations related to the events and statements over the weekend.

Vandalism and crime of this kind are not European values and condemnation is needed, and of course also detection and appropriate punishments for the perpetrators of this act, he added in the reaction regarding last night’s breaking of the window of the Macedonian club in Blagoevgrad.

At the same time, as the President’s Office informed, Pendarovski expresses regret for the incidents on the Macedonian border caused by a group of Bulgarian citizens led by members of their Parliament.

The President also congratulates the members of the police and competent authorities for their dignity and professionalism in dealing with aggressive vandals.

According to Pendarovski, unfortunately, territorial claims and the denial of the Macedonian nation have become frequent.

We expect a timely and appropriate reaction from official Sofia For such negative outbursts, added President Pendarovski in the reaction.