People will not gain anything by the ruling parties’ confession that the judicial system is corrupted, we need resignations and accountability, and we need them now, because SDS and DUI are degrading the Macedonian judicial system, reads the VMRO-DPMNE Tuesday statement.

“Dimitar Kovachevski and Ali Ahmeti are abusing the Judicial Council for their mundane political desires, degrading the role of this body to a marketplace for bargaining for judicial offices and favoring selected party activists. The Minister of Justice Krenar Loga’s statements only confirm VMRO-DPMNE’s long time claims that SDS and DUI are politicizing the judicial organs.

The judicial system should guarantee the independence and the protection of the judicial system, also makin sure that the system operates responsibly, professionally, and transparently, the statement continues.

“Even the Embassy of Holland reacted to the events within the Judicial Council. Entire governments in the EU countries fall on this issue, only in Macedonia the Government acts as if there are no problems whatsoever. That is the main reason for people’s low trust in the judicial system. We demand immediate resignation of and accountability from the Government”, reads the party’s statement.