VMRO-DPMNE resumes Monday with staging protests.

At the session of the Executive Committee held this weekend in Bitola, a decision was made to resume with the protests, in order to, as the party informed, prevent the national shame that is being prepared for Macedonia by Zoran Zaev and his associates.

The party says that the protests continue because Zaev and Bujar Osmani are hiding what is being negotiated and what they are ready to accept from the Bulgarian declaration.

VMRO-DPMNE calls on Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani to show the Macedonian public the document they are negotiating with Zoran Zaev.

As long as the Macedonian national interests are undermined in secret negotiations, VMRO-DPMNE will continue to protest together with the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE points out.

The protests will continue Tuesday at 5 pm in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Skopje.