VMRO-DPMNE held a press conference to outline the worst 365 scandals of the past year.

The year was marked by scandals ranging from highway construction deals to subsidized laundry manufacturing. Huge fees were paid out, hundreds of millions of dollars were given for construction that hasn’t started yet, Artan Grubi bought luxurious real-estate and the Kovacevski family secured benefits for their photovoltaics business, the opposition party said.

Transportation Minister Blagoj Bocvarski also began a private photovoltaics business, while unable to advance even the short Skopje – Blace highway. The Government set aside 43 million EUR for a vehicle plant in Tetovo where construction hasn’t started yet. The horrific Oncology Clinic scandal was covered up, as were the BESA Trans bus crash and the Tetovo hospital fire tragedy. Mafia murders in the Shisha Bar, in Hanioti and in Kosovo, as well as the two attacks in Skopje’s East Gate Mall were left unresolved.

The underworld operates above ground and police failures led to the murders of young Vanja and Pance Zezovski. This complete collapse of the system is prompting citizens to leave the country in highest numbers yet, the party said.