The so-called “forking” barely lasted 24 hours. While there were claims that Vredi officials, along with MP Khalil Snopche, would exit the government if the Defenders Law was passed, they now clarify that no such threat was made. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski even wished them luck if they chose to leave. However, Snopche and Vredi insist their focus is on achieving higher objectives and ensuring the partnership continues. They stress that nothing will force them to abandon the government, confident that the law will not pass and awaiting the Constitutional Court’s final ruling on the balancer. They are also untroubled by the Albanian language, as it is protected by the Constitution.

Snopche reiterated that his comments about leaving the government were not a threat. Meanwhile, Taravari stated that the coalition between VMRO-DPMNE, Vredi, and ZNAM remains solid, though he acknowledged that better communication and coordination are needed. He emphasized that it’s unrealistic to expect all campaign promises to be fulfilled within 100 days, particularly due to distractions in the Albanian bloc, which he attributes to DUI’s influence. Nonetheless, Taravari supports Snopche’s stance and hopes for greater coordination within the government majority.