The Special Operations Battalion “Wolves” sent an open letter to Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, regarding the lies told about Dragan Kovacki.

We are reacting to the lies said about our brother Dragan Kovacki, who was called a snitch, deserter and foreign spy by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski.

We will not allow someone who did not wear boots and avoided serving when our brothers were dying on the front, to disparage and insult Dragan Kovacki, who was a part of us and is still a part of us.

We, with all our military honor and integrity, confirm that these are meaningless lies uttered by the head of the Government.

Dragan Kovacki is a direct participant in 2001 as the leader of the Anti-Terrorist Unit. He is a participant in all combat actions of the unit, and due to his military merits, Dragan Kovacki was promoted to a higher rank.

Just to remind the public, by participation in combat actions we mean offensive combat actions.

Dragan Kovacki was with us in Iraq in 2003 in the first rotation. He was special operations and intelligence officer, the Wolves said.

Prime Minister Kovacevski should immediately apologize to his brother Dragan Kovacki because he falsely slandered him in order to save himself from the shame that Kovacki revealed about him, the Special Operations Battalion added.