The Deputy Prime Minister for Fight against Corruption and Secretary General of SDSM, Ljupco Nikolovski, during whose term Macedonia is at the historic high 111th place in terms of corruption according to Transparency International, continues as before, comments “Expres”, adding that instead of thoroughly and seriously tackle systemic corruption, he spends most of his time doing completely unimportant things for the citizens, while receiving a salary from the same citizens.
After meeting with NGOs last week and promoting an old corruption monitoring report, Nikolovski has again been tasked with updating SDSM membership cards. Like the previous weekends, he goes around Macedonia and takes pictures with SDSM members, which he updates in the party list while the country is sinking in corruption, writes “Expres”.
Moreover, it adds that despite the party activities, Nikolovski is also involved in activities outside his portfolio, in the Ministry of Agriculture and the Forest Police, where there is another minister.
To make things funnier and tragic at the same time, Nikolovski, who is tasked with Macedonia corruption in the government, begins to evoke memories of his political career and announces that he is celebrating a jubilee from the beginning of his membership in SDSM, “Expres” comments.
👉🏻 Почетоците на мојата политичка кариера, на своја 24 годишна возраст, како претседател на ОО СДСМ Крива Паланка беа одбележани преку многу соработки со истакнати и влијателни личности.
— Ljupcho Nikolovski (@lj_nikolovski) February 13, 2021
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