Citizens should not be worried about the security situation in Macedonia, the Ministry of the Interior and other institutions will respond appropriately within the framework of their legal competences, said tonight the Minister of the Interior Panche Toshkovski, in connection with the statements of the Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski that the leadership of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), plans to take steps in the fall that are aimed at destabilizing the state.

In a guest appearance on “Vesti Plus” on Channel 5 television, Toshkovski said it is true that there is information in this direction and stressed that citizens should be familiar with all the facts that are of interest to the public.

– It is true that there is information that is in the direction of what the prime minister is saying and I think that the public should be familiar with all the facts that are of interest to the public, and this is certainly in the interest of the public. Simply put, the fact is that it is difficult for someone who has been in power for 20 years to accept being in the opposition, Toshkovski stressed.

It is normal to have reactions, the minister pointed out, but, he says, if they are within the framework of democratic mechanisms, pointing out the right to protest.

– It is especially difficult when he knows that behind him there are huge clues that reach institutions every day in the direction of a committed crime, hostile, aimed at looting the state and naturally they will be upset, naturally they will see how they react and all that would be normal if they do it within the framework of some democratic mechanisms, in the area of ​​protests and so on, but it is not normal if their ultimate goal is precisely destabilization, said Toškovski.

Asked if they talked with the coalition partner “Vredi” about such clues about the opposition DUI, Toshkovski says the goal of this Government is to create the system, because, as he said, the system was destroyed.

– For us as the government, it is totally irrelevant whether it is a member of a political party, a member of a non-governmental organization, a person or a legal entity that is in no way related to anyone. We are not interested in creating a system. The goal of this Government is to create the system, because the system was destroyed. Not only in the area of ​​dealing with crime and organized crime, etc. We see that in the area of ​​fires, we see that in the area of ​​each one in the area of ​​health, in the area of ​​education. Every single segment within society has been destroyed. We need to immediately restore the state in the direction of normality and in the direction of responsible and honest work, Toshkovski said.

Mickoski said these days that DUI threatens the inter-ethnic image in the country and represents a threat to the peace and stability of Macedonia as a country. The essence of such moves, says the prime minister, is to defend the capital acquired in the past 20 years in power, but as he said, the possibility of some groups being unwittingly manipulated and challenging territorial integrity and sovereignty is not excluded.