Tag: prison
Macedonia 22.07.21 | 22:24

Court refused request to send Zaev’s right hand man Raskovski back to prison

The court refused a request from the prosecution to again detain Zoran Zaev’s former chief of staff Dragi Raskovski. Raskovski was detained for a month and half, after he was charged with corruption and abuse of office, but was released into house arrest, despite clear indications that he can influence...

Macedonia 01.07.21 | 09:35

Orce Kamcev hospitalized with possible heart issues

Businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev was transferred to the Cardiology Clinic yesterday, after suffering from chest pains. Kamcev has been detained mid March, when the Interior Ministry of the Zaev regime accused him of planning to flee the country. His defense claimed that he is kept in horrific conditions...

Macedonia 02.04.21 | 18:30

The Ombudsman concludes that Orce Kamcev is kept in unacceptable conditions in prison

The Ombudsman office investigated the conditions of detention of businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev and determined that the they are inappropriate. Kamcev’s defense team says that he is being tortured in prison with the exceptionally bad conditions he is kept in and are notifying international representatives...

Macedonia 22.03.21 | 11:06

“Kamcev is tortured in prison, will turn to the Council of Europe to seek protection”

The defense team for businessman Jordan Orce Kamcev announced they will turn to the Council of Europe, the Association for the Prevention of Torture, the Ombudsman and the Helsinki Committee to protest the treatment of Kamcev in prison. They say that the businessman is subjected to degrading, humiliating...

Macedonia 27.02.21 | 18:26

Mijalkov is kept alone in a cell, under an increased security protocol

Filip Andonov, warden of the Sutka prison, informed the public that the former state security chief Saso Mijalkov has been placed alone in a cell, in line with the existing coronavirus protocols. Mijalkov was ordered into 60 days detention after he was sentenced to 12 years in prison in the first instance...

Macedonia 26.02.21 | 12:53

Mijalkov escorted into prison

The court quickly approved the prosection’s request that former secret police chief Saso Mijalkov is detained after his sentencing to 12 years in prison. Instead of into house arrest, Mijalkov was escorted to the Sutka prison near Skopje. Mijalkov’s escape into Serbia over the weekend likely...

Macedonia 04.02.21 | 19:49

Report: Conditions in prisons in Macedonia are alarming

Conditions in Macedonian prisons remain alarming, said the Macedonian Helsinki Committee in its annual report, noting poor living and sanitary conditions and the bare minimum healthcare protection that is provided during the pandemic. Some progress has been made, but most of the prisoners are objecting...

Macedonia 21.01.21 | 22:54

Statistics Bureau chief threatens prison for those who don’t cooperate with the controversial census

Apostol Simovski, head of the Statistics Bureau, threatened those who try to boycott the census planned for April with up to five years in prison. The threat comes as the highly controversial law, that will count emigrants as residents, was rushed through the Parliament today. Ethnic Albanian politicians...

Macedonia 28.11.20 | 10:40

Unbroken: Jane Cento begins his fourth year in prison

Political prisoner Jane Cento finished the third year in prison, since the mass arrests of opposition activists in late 2017. The great-grandson of Macedonia’s first President Metodija Andonov – Cento is sentenced to 15 years in prison for “terrorism”, because he took part in...

Macedonia 17.10.20 | 10:45

Boki returned to Sutka prison again, after a month in hospital

Bojan Jovanovski has been sent back to the Sutka prison a few days ago. Although his health condition is poor, he is persistently held in the prison. There are no conditions for care after his gastric surgery, but the demands of his lawyers for him to be under house arrest are futile. He was hospitalized...

Macedonia 15.10.20 | 21:41

Kiceec won a two weeks reprieve and a less strict prison to serve out his sentence

Mafia fixer Zoran Mileski – Zoki Kiceec was ordered to report to prison to begin serving out his sentence, but in Ohrid and not in Skopje as he was originally expected to do. Kiceec is a key figure in the Racket scandal, where he participated in the extortion of 1.5 million EUR from businessman...

Macedonia 13.10.20 | 17:00

Kiceec did not report to prison, will try to postpone serving his Racket sentence using a technicality

Zoran Mileski – Zoki Kiceec, one of the figures in the major Racket scandal who cooperated with the prosecution and the ruling SDSM party and received a light sentence of just three years in prison, is trying to postpone the serving of the sentence. Mileski was supposed to report to prison yesterday...

Macedonia 10.10.20 | 18:15

Sutka prison employee slashed by a prisoner

An employee of the Sutka prison was injured by a prisoner who attacked him with a sharp object and slashed him on the arm. The attack occurred on Friday around noon. There is no word on the cause of the incident.

Macedonia 30.09.20 | 22:03

Former Justice Minister Deskoska condemns the attempt to humiliate Gordana Jankuloska

Former Justice Minister Renata Deskoska, who is a top official of the ruling SDSM party, condemned the recording and leaking of footage of former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska as she was detained in the Idrizovo prison. Zaev’s regime leaks prison video of Gordana Jankuloska to the press I...

Macedonia 29.09.20 | 18:15

Zaev’s regime leaks prison video of Gordana Jankuloska to the press

A video recording of the moment former Interior Minister and top VMRO-DPMNE official Gordana Jankuloska was taken to the Idrizovo prison was leaked to the press. This was likely done by the prison authorities, who apparently allowed the moment to be recorded, with the goal of inflicting additional humiliation...

Macedonia 28.09.20 | 18:03

Gordana Jankuloska begins serving out her four year prison sentence

Former Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska was transported to the Idrizovo prison today, to begin serving out her four year sentence. Jankuloska, who is a former top VMRO-DPMNE party official, was sentenced over one of the half a dozen cases initiated against her by the Zaev regime and its affiliated...

Macedonia 23.09.20 | 14:54

Politically linked mafia fixer Zoki Kiceec ordered to report to prison in mid October

Mafia fixer Zoran Milevski – Zoki Kiceec will begin serving his three years prison sentence in mid October. Alsat-M TV reports that one of the “stars” of the Racket scandal has received the order to begin serving out his sentence. Kiceec was famously arrested in 2019 along with showman...

Macedonia 02.06.20 | 11:38

The association, in which the Zaev family appears as donor, now distributes packages in prisons

The civic association “We can all together”, in which the Zaev family also appears as donor, has now started with the distribution of, as they say, humanitarian aid for the people who are in prison. According to the association, the humanitarian aid includes packages with personal hygiene...

Macedonia 10.04.20 | 10:10

Medical teams sent to the Sutka prison after a prisoner died of the coronavirus

Medical teams were sent to the Sutka prison to swab three dozen prisoners, after a prisoner from Radovis died two days ago and the autopsy showed he had the Covid-19 virus. Besides the prisoners, guards and other employees will also be tested for the disease. The deceased prisoner was detained for a...

Macedonia 07.04.20 | 17:04

Elderly prisoner dies in Idrizovo

A 72-year old prisoner in Skopje’s Idrizovo prison died this morning. There were no signs of violence on the body and an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death. In the police report there are no indications that the coronavirus could be a cause of death.
