The Administrative Court determined that there will be a repeat of voting in seven polling stations in the 5th electoral district covering the south-west of the country. There were various irregularities reported by the parties who fielded candidates, and the State Electoral Commission concluded that the total number of votes, when voting is conducted properly, could swing the outcome of the elections.

The DUI party won 4 seats in this district, but could potentially lose one of them – the seat was preliminary taken by Ismail Jahoski, powerful oil trading tycoon who has leveraged his position in DUI to win numerous public contracts.

DUI strongly resisted the plans to repeat the voting, and SEC members said that they are receiving threats from DUI, whose officials have greatly increased their nationalist rhetoric, now that they are very likely to be left out of the next Government. The seat here could go to either VMRO-DPMNE or SDSM.

DUI also stands to lose a seat in the 6th electoral district, where the results were also narrow. The SEC determined that there should be repeated voting in the village of Zhelino, where 110 voters were not identified with the fingerprint device. Here DUI could lose a seat to the opposition VLEN coalition.