Category: Balkans
Balkans 13.11.22 | 11:51

Albanians protest against the government in front of Tirana parliament

Thousands of people have gone onto the streets of Tirana to demonstrate against the ruling Socialist Party of Albania (PS) headed by long-serving Prime Minister Edi Rama. The demonstration in front of the parliamentary buildings took place late on Saturday and went off peacefully. Opposition leader Sali...

Balkans 13.11.22 | 11:14

Vucic: Serbia is not for sale

President Aleksandar Vucic said that he told the representatives of the international community at numerous talks and meetings last week that Serbia will continue to insist on the implementation of all signed agreements, but also on the preservation of state and national interests. This week I had numerous...

Balkans 12.11.22 | 20:43

Osmani: Communication with Bulgaria has to be intensive

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Saturday that communication with Bulgaria has to be constant and intensive. The more we leave room without communications, the easier for someone else to interfere with the communication and kidnap the agenda, which sidetracks us from the course we established back...

Balkans 10.11.22 | 15:12

Borisov says the law prohibiting the use of fascist names hinders good neighborliness

We did a good job in the National Assembly to pave the way for Macedonia and Albania to enter the European Union. GERB completed this work as we committed. Unfortunately, after that happened the incident with the national anthem at the football match. This created tension in Bulgaria, GERB leader Boyko...

Balkans 10.11.22 | 14:23

Bulgarian MFA: Sofia will support Bulgarian clubs in Macedonia

When the Law on Associations will enter into force depends on when it will be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia. The clubs will certainly be banned, the question is whether a name change will be forced. We cannot answer that as it will be a decision of each of these clubs....

Balkans 10.11.22 | 09:44

LEAK: Franco-German plan to resolve the Kosovo-Serbia dispute

A recent Franco-German proposal for a new dialogue framework between Kosovo and Serbia, which EURACTIV has obtained from a trusted source, reveals indirectly, based on the text’s interpretations, how little synergy exists between the two sides to solve the issue. Following the brutal Kosovo war between...

Balkans 07.11.22 | 10:33

Vucic confirms that Macedonia pays the most expensive electricity

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, explaining the energy situation, says that it is stabilized, but it will not be easy because there are still four months of a long winter. He explained that Serbia has one of the lowest electricity prices, while Macedonia has the most expensive. Look at Macedonia,...

Balkans 04.11.22 | 11:06

Bulgaria’s MFA expresses concern that “Tsar Boris and Vanco Mihajlov” may be closed

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Bulgaria expressed concern through a statement that the amendments to the laws on associations and foundations and on political parties in Macedonia limit the right of association of Bulgarians in the country because there is a one-sided interpretation of historical...

Balkans 19.10.22 | 13:04

Several of the members of the Council of Blagoevgrad who banned the opening of the “Nikola Vapcarov” club are Macedonians

The organization of Macedonians in Bulgaria reacted to the decision to close the “Nikola Vapcarov” club. OMO Ilinden-Pirin says that the name of Vapcarov cannot be a provocation and mentions that several of the councilors in Blagoevgrad who voted against opening the club are hidden Macedonians. If...

Balkans 17.10.22 | 19:08

Serbia has a strategic interest in building an oil pipeline to Macedonia, Greece and Albania, as well as to Hungary

Serbian Deputy PM and Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said Monday it is important for the country to construct an oil pipeline leading to the Mediterranean, namely to ports In Albania and Greece, but also to link up with Hungary, MIA reports from Belgrade. It is strategically important...

Balkans 07.10.22 | 12:45

Eurostat: Coffee prices surge, morning staple almost a luxury

A mug of coffee, a daily routine for many, costs Macedonian citizens 18.3% higher than a year earlier. The price of coffee in the EU was 16.9% higher, show Eurostat data for August 2022, compared to the same month last year. For those who drink their coffee with milk or sugar, this morning ritual can...

Balkans 02.10.22 | 23:02

The arrest attempt backfired as Borisov wins comfortable victory in the latest Bulgarian election

The right wing GERB party of Boyko Borisov scored a comfortable victory at the latest early general elections in Bulgaria. Borisov won 25.5 percent of the vote, against 19.9 percent for the recently formed liberal PP party which briefly ruled the country and secured a new set of concessions from Macedonia. The...

Balkans 28.09.22 | 21:30

French ambassador in Sofia: Without Bulgarians in the Constitution, Macedonia will not join the EU

Florence Robin, the French ambassador in Sofia, in an interview with “Sega” daily, gave her analysis of the situation with Bulgarian citizens in Macedonia. As she says, without Bulgarians in the Constitution, Macedonia will not become a member of the EU. We gave European guarantees that including...

Balkans 22.09.22 | 11:12

What were Raskovski and Koluvija discussing in a Nis restaurant?

In its report from the village of Rosoman, TV “N1” reports about marijuana plantations, connections with the controversial Serbian tycoon Predrag Koluvija, and meetings with Raskovski in the Serbian “Mrak” restaurant in Nis. The attention of the public was attracted by BIRN’s...

Balkans 21.09.22 | 20:15

Professor Kjosev from Sofia: The Macedonian language is a literary language, a language of beautiful poetry, with its own tradition

There is no doubt that the Macedonian language is literary, not a dialect, and the history of the Macedonian language does not begin with the Comintern. Those who claim that the Macedonian language is artificial must be told that the Bulgarian language is also an artificial construction and was created...

Balkans 20.09.22 | 17:44

Dimitrov: Macedonia shows no preparedness to change, they only refer to the anti-Bulgarian propaganda after 1944

There’s no readiness for any change to be made whatsoever in Macedonia, Angel Dimitrov, the co-chair of the Bulgaria-Macedonia joint commission on historical and educational issues, has stated. On the agenda of the last meeting of the joint commission that was held in Skopje were history textbooks...

Balkans 16.09.22 | 13:16

Vucic presents Orban with the Order of the Republic of Serbia

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in Belgrade, where he met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Vucic presented Orban with the Order of the Republic of Serbia on a large necklace for exceptional merits in the development and strengthening of peaceful cooperation and friendly relations...

Balkans 15.09.22 | 11:54

Hungary’s Prime Minister will receive the highest order of the Republic of Serbia: Vucic revealed what Orbán told him about the EU

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said today that he does not adore the EU, but that he does not think it is a good idea for Serbia to get off the “European road”. Believe me, I know what they are doing to us. And you do not know what I heard and said in the meetings with them. Think...

Balkans 14.09.22 | 21:24

Bulgarian MFA: Referendum against the Good Neighbor Agreement is not possible in Macedonia

The referendum initiative against the Agreement with the Bulgarians will not prevent the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken by Skopje, because Talat Xhaferi rejected it as unconstitutional, said Bulgarian Deputy Minister Kostadin Kodzhabashev. From this point of view, at the moment we do not think...

Balkans 12.09.22 | 21:40

What will Spasovski say to this? A never-before-seen photo of the arrest of Vukotic with a Macedonian passport has appeared

A never-before-seen photo of the arrest of the now murdered leader of the Skaljarski gang, Jovica Vukotic, has appeared. The event took place in the summer and in 2018 after his arrest in Turkey and is connected to Macedonia. The photo of Vukotic is taken immediately after the arrest with a Macedonian...
