Kosovan Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj declared EU foreign policy and security chief as an “enemy of Kosovo” because of her position that the country must drop the high tariffs it imposed on Serbian products.

Kosovo’s success can’t be tied under Mogherini’s timetable. Nobody has been more useless for Kosovo than Mogherini. She diverted the discussion and instead of talking about our recognition from Serbia, she began talks about a swap of territories and redrawing borders, Haradinaj said.

Haradinaj made a point to express his affection for the United States, even though Washington is also pushing Kosovo to reverse its decision and is threatening punitive measures if they don’t. Haradinaj met with President Hashim Thaci and afterwards pleaded for undestanding from the US on the issue, while calling on all political parties in Kosovo to remain united in support of the tariffs.

Kosovo demands that Serbia recognize its independence before it will lower its tariffs. According to Haradinaj, the country is tired of living in a frozen conflict. The latest push to resolve the dispute involved Thaci and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic opening the issue of a territory swap in which Serbian municipalities in Kosovo would join Serbia, in exchange for a several Albanian majority municipalities in Serbia.