Universal electricity supplier EVN Home has accepted AD ESM’s bid of EUR 60 per megawatt hour to cover 85% of the electricity needs. For the remaining 15%, three bids were received for the July-December period, but were not accepted due to higher prices compared to the current market rates.

EVN Home reported receiving bids from Duferco, ESM Sales, and Sole 24.

Starting July 1, 2024, EVN will continue to supply electricity to households and small consumers.

In a press release, EVN stated, “The contract with the Government for providing universal service was signed on June 18, 2024, followed by the licensing process with the Energy Regulatory Commission. This process is crucial to ensure the continuity of electricity supply, representing a significant challenge due to the short period until the current license expires and the open questions regarding the extension of the license for the next five years. Under the supervision of the Energy Regulatory Commission and in accordance with legal obligations and established methodology, EVN Home will calculate the price of electricity based on pre-determined input parameters.”

The final price will include the cost at which AD ESM sells electricity to EVN Home, as well as the prices from the Electricity Transmission System Operator MEPSO, the National Electricity Market Operator MEMO, and the Distribution System Operator Elektrodistribucija.

Additionally, on Thursday, a group of MPs from the VMRO-DPMNE-led “Your Macedonia” coalition submitted a bill in Parliament to amend the law on energy. This fast-tracked procedure aims to prevent an increase in household electricity prices.

VMRO-DPMNE leader and PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski commented, “This bill will protect citizens’ standards and prevent a drastic increase in energy prices.”

Mickoski noted that the bill aims to prevent a 5% rise in electricity prices, which was expected as of July 1 according to a recent decision by the caretaker government.