The Regulatory Commission for Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services has adopted a Decision with which the retail prices of petroleum products are reduced by an average of 1.69% compared to the decision of 11.7.2024.

From midnight, EUROSUPER BS-95 and EUROSUPER BS-98 gasolines will be cheaper by one denar, while the price of diesel will decrease by 1.5 denars. The price of Extra light household oil (EL-1) is reduced by 2.00 den/liter, and of fuel oil by 0.716 den/kg.

From 16.7.2024 at 00:01, the maximum prices of petroleum products will be:
– Motor gasoline – EUROSUPER BS – 95 – 83.00 (denars/liter)
– Motor gasoline – EUROSUPER BS – 98 – 85.00 (denars/liter)
– Diesel fuel – EURODIESEL BS (D-E V) – 75.50 (denars/liter)
– Fuel oil – Extra light 1 (EL-1) – 73.50 (denars/liter)
– Fuel M-1 NS – 46,909 (denars/kilogram)