The construction of a high-speed railway on Corridor 10 and the high-quality connection of Skopje with Budapest—linking Macedonia via high-speed rail with Greek ports and Central European countries—was the main topic of the meeting between the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport of Macedonia, Aleksandar Nikoloski, and the Hungarian Minister of Construction and Investments, János Lázár. The meeting was part of a working visit to Macedonia by a Hungarian government delegation, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Held in Ohrid, the meeting underscored the importance of European Union support for the realization of such a project, as the high-speed railway is seen as crucial for economic development and improved communication throughout the region.

The discussions also touched on the experiences and practices employed in both countries across various sectors, including transport, construction, and investments. Minister Nikoloski also updated the delegation on accelerated activities related to major capital projects in Macedonia. He expressed gratitude for Hungary’s economic support, noting that funds from a loan have already been allocated to municipalities for infrastructure projects. The two ministers agreed to intensify cooperation and advance policies related to regional connectivity.